Building Better Relationships in the Hospitality Industry

Previously, I have shared the importance of relationships as professionals in the hospitality industry. Relationships are also important in our personal lives. Being the father of two daughters has been a blessing, however watching them go through the highs and lows of relationships (especially the break-ups) has been a learning experience.

It reminds me of when I need to call hotels and ‘break-up’ with them by letting them know our client has selected another property. It is not easy…but if you have built relationships with these individuals, it is less stressful. This experience is just one example of how important relationships are to what we do. When discussing this topic with my mentors, they have shared their stories which also demonstrated how the relationships they have formed throughout their professional and personal lives have benefited them.

The lessons I learned from observing my daughter’s pain and listening to the stories of my mentors have helped me better understand how the relationships we create are critical to our success (both professionally and personally). We need to continue to work on developing and maintaining positive relationships and the best ways are to:

  1. Be authentic
  2. Be vulnerable – the more human, the better the relationships
  3. Be willing to learn from others
  4. Be willing to help others – give before you ask
  5. Deliver what you promise

My challenge for you is to get out and focus on relationships in our industry with co-workers, customers and industry partners and at home with family, friends and neighbors. I am confident that strengthening existing relationships and creating new ones will be the foundation for a successful career in the hospitality industry!

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