Leaders: Know Your Strengths and Use Your Resources

If you are a business owner or lead an organization, it is imperative that you know the strengths and weaknesses of your organization, leadership team and yourself. As Darren Hardy (success mentor and former publisher of Success Magazine) stresses, trying to do everything in-house is no longer the best solution as things are moving too fast and we need to use the best resources available to us.

We are in a contractor economy today which gives us access to a large network of experts in areas where expertise and assistance is needed. You may find the talent you need in this pool of resources rather than trying to do it yourself or by hiring all the employees necessary. One of the keys to success is knowing the strengths and opportunities of your organization and yourself by doing these three things:

  1. Figure out what business you are really in and only focus on this.
  2. Figure out what you are good at and only do this.
  3. Outsource everything else.

I realize this message is being written by someone who has been a contractor for 14 years helping organizations plan and execute successful events. For my own business, I do this exercise quarterly. Currently, I am focusing on my strengths and using the best resources available from others to assist me in the areas where expertise is needed to ensure I surpass the expectations of my clients.

The daily challenge for each of us is to improve ourselves and our organizations by keeping in house what we are good at and consider outsourcing the rest to ensure we achieve our goals.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dougbaarman/

Blog: https://meetingplannerplaybook.com/

Blog: https://hospitalitylifestyles.com/




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